
Screening Today


Rating : PG   Coarse language

Based on Isabella Tree’s best-selling memoir by the same name, the visually stunning documentary Wilding tells the story of a young couple that bets on nature for the future of their failing, 400-year-old estate.

Isabella and husband Charlie Burrell battle entrenched tradition, and dare to place the fate of their farm in the hands of nature.

Ripping down the fences, they set the land back to the wild and entrust its recovery to a motley mix of animals both tame and wild.

It is the beginning of a grand experiment that will become one of the most significant rewilding projects in Europe.

With footage captured over a number of years, this lovingly crafted breath of fresh air will let audiences witness nature flourish like they've never seen before.

Duration : 75 minutes

Screening Dates & Times

Tuesday 11th : 10.00am

Wednesday 12th : 10.00am

Thursday 13th : 10.00am, 4.00pm

Friday 14th : 10.00am, 4.00pm

Monday 17th : 10.00am, 4.00pm

Tuesday 18th : 10.00am, 4.00pm

Wednesday 19th : 10.00am, 4.00pm

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